VWF Complaints Policy
VWF LTD constantly strives to provide the highest level of service from the first point of contact, throughout any sale enquiry. However, every so often things don't go to plan and you might come away feeling dissatisfied. Perhaps you felt that you were not treated with courtesy, or perhaps you've had an ongoing problem that we have struggled to fix. Unfortunately, these things can happen from time to time.
Although we strive for perfection, we know that it isn't possible to reach that every time and that is why we have a complaints procedure. Sometimes we can put things right; sometimes we can only explain ourselves and apologise. Either way, your feedback helps us to continually improve what we do, and how we do it.
Rest assured that your complaint will be dealt with seriously, and quickly.
What you can do?
It is important to let us know that you are unhappy and to give us the chance to put things right. Don't be afraid to speak to a member of staff on site - she or he might be able to sort out the problem straight away, or if not, they might be able to introduce you to someone who can. If you are still not satisfied, you should move to the formal process.
Making a formal complaint
The Financial Conduct Authority define a complaint as “any oral or written expression of dissatisfaction, whether justified or not.” Complaints can be made by a customer or by someone acting on their behalf. If VWF receives a complaint about an FCA regulated activity, then it has to be handled in accordance with FCA rules. All complaints must be passed immediately to Stephen Whitehead for investigation and response. Complaints can be made by;
Telephone 07300 299770
Email Stephen.whitehead@vwfvansales.co.uk
Post VWF Ltd, Ash Cottage, London Road, Prestbury, MACCLESFIELD, SK10 4EA
Complaints handling and expected timescales
Stephen Whitehead will handle complaints in accordance with the following procedures:
• A written acknowledgement of the complaint will be issued to the customer within 3 working days together with a copy of the firm’s written complaints handling procedures.
• Stephen Whitehead will investigate the complaint and aim to resolve the dispute within 30 days.
o The customer will be sent a Summary Resolution communication which clearly states that the complaint has been made, what the complaint and resolution was and that the firm considers the complaint to be resolved.
o If the customer subsequently decides they are dis-satisfied with the resolution, Stephen Whitehead will advise the customer of the availability of the Financial Ombudsman Service along with the contact details for the Financial Ombudsman Service.
• If another firm is believed to be either jointly or solely responsible for the cause of complaint, the customer will be asked whether VWF can share the details of the compliant along with any personal details that would be required solely to investigate and remedy the compliant. Upon approval the complaint will be shared and the responsible firm will be invited to respond within the time sales of this policy.
o In this case a Final Written Response within 8 weeks of receipt. Again, as part of that response the customer will be advised of their right to refer their complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service if they remain dissatisfied and provided with the contact details for the Financial Ombudsman Service.
• The Final Response will either:
o Accept the complaint and, where appropriate, offer redress; or o Offer redress on an ex gratia basis without accepting the complaint; or o Reject the complaint; or
o Advise the customer of why VWF has been unable to complete its investigations and indicate when we expect to do so.
If the customer chooses to refer their complaint to the Financial Ombudsman, Stephen Whitehead will ensure that all information requested by the Financial Ombudsman is provided promptly and will cooperate with the Ombudsman in the investigation and resolution of the complaint.
Where it is determined that, in order to resolve a complaint, an offer of redress is appropriate this must be approved by Christopher Powell.
VWF maintains a register of all complaints about FCA regulated activities. This register includes the following information:
• The customer details
• The nature of the complaint
• Whether the complaint falls within the scope of FCA
• The date the complaint was received
• The date the complaint was acknowledged
• The date that the final response was issued
• Whether the complaint was accepted or rejected
• Details of any compensation offered and paid
• Whether or not the complaint was referred to the Financial Ombudsman
• If so, the date of referral
• The final outcome of the complaint
• The date the complaint was closed
The register is reviewed to identify any reoccurring problems or trends of groups of customers receiving worse or better outcomes than others; if so root cause is identified and corrected wherever possible.
Records of all complaints about FCA regulated activities are kept for a minimum of 3 years from the date of receipt of the complaint.
Where appropriate, you will receive details of any proposed action to resolve the reported issues and if necessary, you will be given an apology.
If you are not satisfied with the response provided by VWF LTD, you may be entitled to refer your complaint to The Motor Ombudsman or the Financial Ombudsman Service, dependant on the nature of your complaint.
FCA Reporting
VWF will notify the FCA immediately if any significant operational risk is identified, including significant operational exposures, if the VWF Business Continuity Plan has been invoked or if there is a significant change to the firms organisation, infrastructure or business operating environment.
If required and where appropriate dependant on FCA permissions granted, VWF will forward a complete report at FCA defined intervals being either once a year or twice a year to the FCA of all eligible complaints.
Timeliness of Complaint
The Ombudsman service can only consider a complaint
• if the firm has already sent the complainant its final response or summary resolution communication or;
• Eight weeks have elapsed since the firm received the complaint or;
• 15 business have elapsed in relation to a complaint that is EMD compliant or PSD compliant.
The Ombudsman cannot consider a complaint if the complainant
• refers to the Service more than 6 months after the firm sent the complainant its Final Response, Redress Determination or Summary Resolution Determination or;
• more than 6 years after the event complained of, or;
• more than 3 years from the date which the complainant became aware, that they had cause for complaint.
Unless, in the view of the Ombudsman, the failure to comply with the time limits was a result of exceptional circumstances or the firm has consented to the Ombudsman considering the complaint.
If any complaint made to VWF out of these time limits is received, VWF will consider any exceptional circumstances along with severity of the compliant and notify the complainant in writing within 30 days to confirm whether the complaint will be treated as within the timescales or if not along with the reasons why, in a Final Response to the Customer as per Page 2.
Financial Ombudsman Service
The Financial Ombudsman Service provides a free, independent service for customers to solve disputes relating to regulated activity. The Financial Ombudsman Service will only step in once VWF LTD has had the opportunity to investigate matters, so please let us try to help you first.
Contact the Financial Ombudsman Service
By post:
Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR
Motor Ombudsman
The Motor Ombudsman is the automotive dispute resolution body. Fully-impartial, it is the first Ombudsman to be focused solely on the automotive sector, and self-regulates the UK’s motor industry through its comprehensive Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI)-approved Codes of Practice.
Contact the Motor Ombudsman
By post:
The Motor Ombudsman, 71 Great Peter Street, London, SW1P 2BN